Dear Reader, I started about two years ago as a way to support restaurants, local growers, and local vegetarians. I am now very busy with other projects. Among other things, I am writing a book about going solar. I am having trouble finding the time to keep this site up to date. But I... Continue Reading →

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Louisville, Kentucky’s best restaurants for vegetarians

Eiderdown You might not suspect that a German restaurant would make the list of most vegetarian anything, but Eiderdown has stayed up to date and smartly incorporated some really delicious vegetarian and vegan items. Amongst the lovely surprises waiting here for vegetarians are the red cabbage cooked with raisins, potato salad with capers and mustard... Continue Reading →

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The Impossible Burger: An impartial review

You remember the margarine that calls itself, "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter"? It doesn't taste like butter, it tastes like petroleum. Hold your ear up to the plastic tub, you can almost hear the roar of chain saws decimating yet another Asian forest to make palm oil. So, when I went to Hopcat on... Continue Reading →

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Is a bamboo toothbrush right for you?

Keywords: mold, case, holder, benefits, bristles, and maybe made in usa by Dr. Adrian Acosta | Feb 10, 2020 | Dental Health | 0 comments You may be concerned about where your plastic waste is ending up. If so, you’re not alone. Most of us have seen the photos of plastics blanketing the seas. And... Continue Reading →

Polite confessions of a liberal

I will protect you by covering my nose and mouth even if you do not do the same. I understand that your rage about being asked to wear a mask is a mental health issue, and you have my sympathy and compassion. I understand your contempt when you hear the words "climate change." It is... Continue Reading →

Flappers and gangsters at the art museum

I doubt Al Capone took much interest in American impressionism, but there were plenty of gangster and molly get ups amid the paintings at the Speed Museum on a recent Friday night. It was the Louisville art museum's monthly fundraiser, dubbed "After Hours at the Speed." And the party theme was prohibition. You remember prohibition:... Continue Reading →

Vegetarian at Anoosh Bistro

"I've made Madiera sauce," the carnivore said. "When I was cooking in Atlantic City." "You've never made it for me!" I whined. He then described a sauce so replete in animal fat, I blacked out somewhere between the butter and bacon. The Madiera sauce at Anoosh Bistro was absolutely delicious without being that heavy or... Continue Reading →

Vampire-safe gazpacho

If you firmly believe that soups must be served hot, even when it's ninety degrees out, you may want to read no further. This post is about cold soup, and the way it brings a hint of arctic chill to a hot day. When traveling in Spain, I learned that gazpacho is like a Bible... Continue Reading →

Veggies worth a fight at Uptown cafe

"Are you ready for me to take your plate," the waiter asked when I had three bites of vegetables left. "Dude, live to see another day! You never take a woman's food away from her!" exclaimed the carnivore. Okay, I wouldn't actually kill anyone over vegetables. But the vegetables at Uptown Cafe were so good,... Continue Reading →

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